Steam Machine
Steam particles are so small, they are able to permeate even the smallest openings in hair cuticles. By directing steam to the hair from the Parrucchi Steam Machine, moisture fills the slight openings between the lifted cuticles. The steam also permeates into the hair shaft, expanding the hair. When hair expands, the cuticles also expand allowing any treatment to sink deep into the roots.
For color or perms, damage to the hair is reduced significantly because the steam allows for the absolute minimum amount of chemicals to be used. In other words, by using steam treatment, damage to your hair is drastically held to a minimum while creating moisture-rich, beautiful hair.
Hair Treatment
MILBONのSMOOTH かANTI-FRIZZを使い3種類のトリートメントでしっかり保湿し、更にスチームマシーンを使いながらトリートメントをしてケミカルによるパサつきやダメージをを最小限に抑えます。
This course comes with all of our chemical appointments such as coloring, perms, and straightening.
In this course, we utilize a specialized Japanese steam machine. The steam not only opens up the hair follicles, but also simultaneously allows for more moisture to permeate throughout the hair.
The steam machine is used throughout the process. Three kinds of treatments are applied to the hair to minimize any frizz or damage caused by the harsh chemicals while providing ample moisture (we use the MILBON SMOOTH or HOYU PROMASTER CARE series) to the hair.
(Head Spa + Hair Treatment)
Men’s Scalp Care Treatment
MILBONのMOISTURE(5種類の毛髪補修成分)を使用し髪内部のダメージを修復します。更にSMOOTH かANTI-FRIZZ(3種類)を使用し髪の外側を輝くしなやかな髪質にします。
This is our most recommended course.
Scalp wellness is imperative to reducing the appearance of thinning and grey hairs. For this course, we use MILBON’s Enhancing Vivacity, Professional Head Spa Line.
First, we thoroughly wash the hair with MILBON Extended Carbonated Shampoo. Then we apply cleansing balm or exfoliant which melts onto the skin and gently removes impurities. We then use a moisturizing spa cream along with 1 of 4 aroma oils to give you a relaxing and sensory head spa experience.
Afterwards, we apply MILBON Gold Line treatment (5 kinds of treatment) to the hair: Indulging Hydration, Illuminating Glow, or Vitalizing Dimension. This professional 5-step treatment offers your hair all the necessary nutrients to keep your hair vibrant and full of life.
At the end, we apply Enhancing Vivacity Effervesce and Essence. These are leave-in scalp treatments that optimizes the scalp wellness for fuller, younger-looking hair!
This course also comes with an “at-home” hair care treatment provided upon checkout.
For shampoo, we use an Extended Carbonated Shampoo which is specifically designed to remove any impurity that may be trapped between hair follicles that is not easily removable with standard shampoo. Following the shampoo, we provide a scalp treatment using spa gels and our specialized Japanese steam machine along with a head massage. The steam not only opens up the hair follicles, but also simultaneously allows for more moisture to permeate throughout the hair.
The MILBON MOISTURE series is applied to repair any damage from inside the hair.
This course also comes with an “at-home” hair care treatment provided upon checkout.